Wednesday, December 14, 2011

FURRY TALES - Griffin the Puppy

In mid-September 2011 a Kitten Rescue volunteer found a young puppy whimpering at the bottom of a stairwell on her way to work. This puppy was taken to the vet and was diagnosed with two broken hips.  During surgery the vet found even more fractures. Griffin had damage to his growth plate in one leg, as well as multiple fractures. He had to have a plate and several pins put in.  He stayed at the hospital for one week and required three months of physical therapy. Best case scenario was that his hips and growth plate will heal and grow normally, and he will have full function of all four legs. Worst case scenario was that one leg would not grow properly and he would not be able to use it. Sadly, the nature of his injuries indicate it was caused by a human.  As of today his recovery is somewhere inbetween.  His right hind leg (with the pins) is strong, his left hind leg is weaker with less muscle mass.  Surprisingly, Griffin is active as any dog could be.  He runs, jumps and plays like crazy.  He is completely oblivious to his “handicap”.

Griffin had his photo taken with Santa at a recent adoption event.  He asked Santa for a forever loving home to celebrate Christmas.  He got his wish!  Griffin was adopted by a wonderful human and canine family who understood his physical therapy needs.  For an injured puppy who’s fate was uncertain, the volunteers who rescued him and nursed him couldn’t be more pleased to see him happy, healthy and loved.

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