Friday, December 23, 2011

Team Member - Kathy Eshenko

When describing the ideal cat, the words “playful”, “loveable”, “healthy”, and “gorgeous”, to name a few, usually come up.  "Crabby”, “shy”, “medically challenged” and “old”, rarely make it to the top of the list.  This is why team member, Kathy Eshenko, has a big affection for these types of cats.  The “un-adoptables” as they are called.  Ones whose chances of finding a loving and committed home, through sickness and in healthy, are slim to none.
Kathy’s first rescue effort back in 2000 was the opposite.  She hand-caught a litter of four healthy adorable kittens in her boss’ backyard and paid the price, arms badly scratched up and bloodied.  She didn’t know how to properly trap cats back then but she does now!  Those feisty kittens didn’t stay feisty for long.  On their first adoption day, three of the four kittens found homes.  Kathy has been with Kitten Rescue ever since and also volunteers at the Kitten Rescue sanctuary, Casitas.  Besides fostering she actively volunteers with fundraising, such as the Furball, garage sales, bingo night, and of course, Team Kitten Rescue!
Kathy also volunteers extensively with the Wildlife Waystation and has been with them since 2006.  Her commitment and hard work earned her the privilege of being on the Llama Team and the Grass Team, where she interacts and feeds the exotic animals at the sanctuary.      
When it comes to the needs and well-being of animals, whether it be cats, llamas, lions, tigers or bears, Kathy is always there to help and volunteer her time.  Her dedication is truly appreciated and we are proud to have her as a member of Team Kitten Rescue.  Go Kathy!

To contribute to Kathy’s crowdrise page go to

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