Saturday, December 24, 2011


Street Scamp turned Foster Princess

Kitten Rescue acquires animals in every imaginable way. In this particular case, a former adopter gave their friend our information when a stray cat showed up at their apartment. Seeing as it was against the management's policy to have pets, the kind young couple who had taken to feeding the initially reticent stray, were hoping against hope that someone might be able to rescue her. Cynthia McKeag, a member of Team KR, was dispatched to get an assessment on the kitty in question, and to determine her temperament.

It quickly became her first rescue ever when the gorgeous gray tux with soft green eyes came scampering over eagerly for petting and food. The little girl had shown up, terrified out of her mind little more than 3 weeks prior. After spending a week watching her from their apartment, the young couple had begun putting out food. It only took a handful of days before the cat was hanging out at their complex and no longer shying away from every movement. In fact, she adored being petted and would roll around on the ground, asking for belly rubs. Clearly, she had been someone's pet.

After being scooped up in a carrier (yeah, no trap needed!), the young girl was whisked off to her new life off the streets. She was named Mira, and given a clean bill of health by the vet. Mira tested negative for FIV/Felv, was judged to be about 7 months old, and had already been spayed. That's right. Someone had taken the time to fix her, but then either dumped her on the streets or she got lost and couldn't find her way home. There was no microchip, and with no lost cat posters or responses to the couple's initial attempts to find her owner, Mira became an official KR kitty.

Team KR member Elicia Richardson-Ellis took the precious girl in for her isolation period, and discovered that Mira is a huge love bug. Not only that, but she is completely at ease with dogs! Mira has now been transferred back to Cynthia McKeag, who will be fostering her. We have high hopes for this sweet teenager. We will never know how it is that she ended up on the streets, but she is pretty happy to have a full stomach, a warm bed, and someone to snuggle with.

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