Monday, October 31, 2011


It's not often Kitten Rescue volunteers have social gatherings that do not involve cats in cages, carriers or traps, although we did have a recently rescued cat at the event (more on that story to come).  Members of Team Kitten Rescue met up for Meet and Greet #2 at Fleet Feet Sports Encino last Sunday.  This meeting focused on Injury Prevention and Trey from Fleet Feet shared helpful information on this topic.  The meeting wasn't all about the aches and pain of marathon training though.  It was a great time to shop, socialize (with humans) and win raffle prizes!  Big kudos goes to Jesec, who won the Swheat Scoop Litter competition.

Team leader Minoo also reviewed the latest scoop (not cat scoop) about the LA Marathon and Team Kitten Rescue's fundraiser on, which hit over $10,000 before the end of October!  Go Team!

To donate to Team Kitten Rescue go to

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