Friday, October 28, 2011

Team Member - Jesec Griffin

Meet team member, Jesec, feline foster parent and voice actor extraordinaire.  Jesec recently celebrated his 35th birthday and in lieu of gifts he asked friends to donated to his fundraiser page.  It was a success and as a result Jesec won a year-supply of Swheat Scoop litter which will come in very handy in his household of furry friends.  Read his story below!

Hall and Oates. Peanut Butter and Jelly. Cats and Marathons?
I like to run. I like to rescue cats. Much easier to run a marathon to raise money for cats than the other way around, so here we are.

I got started with animal rescue the way I think a lot of Kitten Rescue volunteers do: my tag-team partner Alyssa and I saw a problem with homeless animals in our neighborhood and we decided to do something about it. Our first strategy of paying for everything out-of-pocket and trying to foist animals off on our friends quickly ran into the reality of our pockets emptying and our friends all having plenty of cats. Thankfully, we found Kitten Rescue.

One of the best parts of Kitten Rescue is getting to know the other amazing volunteers, people who understand that if you want a problem solved, waiting around for someone else to come solve it for you isn't going to happen. 

There are a lot of animals in bad situations out there through no fault of their own, and I'm proud to be part of an organization of people trying their best to remedy that.

To make a donation to Jesec's fundraiser page go to

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